We are now welcoming submissions to the Abstracts or Proceedings Track.
The deadline for submission was December 8th, 2021. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Before preparing a manuscript, you are advised to read the following guidelines. To submit a manuscript, please visit the submission page (EasyChair).
Abstracts Track: extended abstracts should not exceed 3 pages, including figures and references, and there is no particular template. Abstracts will be accepted for oral or poster presentation, and will appear in the book of abstracts only.
Proceedings Track: full papers should have between 8 and 14 pages and follow the Springer LNCS Proceedings format. Accepted full papers will be presented at the conference, published in Springer LNCS series and indexed at Scopus, Crossref and DBLP. Only previously unpublished, original submissions will be accepted.
All papers and abstracts should be submitted electronically in PDF format (we allow a pre-submission of a small text abstract, but we will only consider submissions for which we end up receiving a PDF of the extended abstract or full paper).
Key dates:
Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):