Francisco C. Santos is a Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, and one of the coordinators of the Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for People and the Society (GAIPS/ INESC-ID). After his undergraduate studies in Physics, he received a PhD in Computer Science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He is interested in applying and developing computational tools to understand collective dynamics in social and life sciences. He has been working on new algorithms to better understand large-scale stochastic population dynamics, the evolution of cooperation, dynamical processes on complex networks, AI governance, climate agreements, and the management of socio-ecological systems, among other research topics
When attempting to avoid global warming, individuals often face a social dilemma in which, besides securing future benefits, it is also necessary to reduce the chances of future losses. In this talk, I will present a multiagent systems approach to this type of dilemmas, in which the risk of failure plays a central role in individual decisions. This model can be shown to capture some of the essential features discovered in recent key experiments while allowing one to extend in non-trivial ways the experimental conditions to regions of practical interest. As examples, I will discuss the impact of heterogeneous political networks and their role when combined with wealth and risk inequality. I will also discuss our recent experiments on the impact of scientific uncertainty on the emergence of cooperation and polarized behaviours, and how autonomous machines may sway individuals' propensity to free-ride on the effort of others.